Well friends, it’s official. Like I-signed-my-contract-official. I’m going to be a real teacher… real life 5th grade teacher. {insert gasp} Being a naive student teacher, it never really occurred to me that I could possibly leave Primary Land for Intermediate Land – ha! But, if you follow me on Pinterest, TPT, or this little ole’ blog, the signs are there…
A new blog description
I’ll be teaching three periods of reading, a period of writing, and a period of specialized PE (ha! This is a whole different story entitled Budget Cuts). PE woe included, I am thrilled and terrified and ecstatic and every emotion in-between.
Well friends, I really do not know what else to say. Primary Land will always hold a special place in my life and in my creating. Would I have loved a primary classroom? Absolutely. But, I really do believe 5th grade will be a nice fit for me and I cannot wait to share my adventure with you all. Plus, I really need your help. Like really. Needless to say there will be a lot of mess ups, hilarious stories, and *fingers crossed* zero cases of lice.
So, that’s it. My name is Catherine Reed, and I am a 5th grade teacher. Now, let that sink in.
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Good for you! Congratulations! It's so nice to have the summer to start getting prepared for a new grade level. Fifth graders are pretty similar to first graders except they're a lot taller and start to get a little smelly come May. 🙂
I Want to be a Super Teacher
Haha – I love that, Katie! I am really excited, and since I stand at 5'1 on a *really* good day, I assume they will soar above me from day one. 🙂
Thanks, Kelley! I am really excited. 🙂
Intermediate grades are fun! I teach 4th so I'm biased. 🙂 You are going to have a great year! Congrats!
I Love My Classroom
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Thanks, Emily! And right now, I need that bias. 🙂
Congratulations! I have been a primary teacher for the last 3 years and will now also be venturing to intermediate land next year as a 3rd grade teacher… I cant wait to read about the things you do with your 5th graders!
Karmens Kinders
Wow – quite a change from Kinders. Good luck, Karmen. I am sure you will be great. 🙂
Hooray! Welcome to upper grades! You'll love it. 🙂
ideas by jivey
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Thanks, Jessica! I am pumped. 🙂
Good luck! Though I'm sad I won't be able to hear all your great primary ideas anymore! You have such a great attitude. I'm sure all your students will love you!
Carolina Teacher
Thanks, Danielle! I am really excited. 🙂
Congrats!! I've taught 5th grade for ten years now, and learn something new all the time. I'll definitely be back to check our your awesome ideas : )
Hokie Teach
Wow! That's awesome, Donna. I cannot wait to check out all of your great ideas. Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂
Congratulations! That's so exciting! I spent 2 years in 4th grade and I loved my kids. I am sure you will do great!!!
A New Teacher's Journey
Thanks, Heather! It is definitely going to be an adventure. I am getting really excited. 🙂
Congrats Catherine! You will be awesome!
An Apple a Day in First Grade
Thanks, Karen! I am so excited. 🙂
Congratulations! I started my career in 5th grade and then after two years moved to 1st. I changed schools and was back in 5th for a few years and then back to 1st. They are both very monumental years and I love them both (for different reasons). I'm sure you'll love it and do wonderful. Can't wait to hear all about the transition.
Yay! Congrats on your new adventure in this amazing world of teaching! You will LOVE 5th grade! I moved up to 5th grade last year from 3rd. While I loved 3rd grade, I have always been more of an "upper grade" teacher! 5th grade has stolen my heart! I look forward to hearing all about your first year with your kiddos!
Fifth Grade Wit and Whimsy
Oh my goodness, that makes my heart so happy! Thank you so much, Chelsea. I cannot wait to blog stalk your great ideas 🙂
I was primary for 17 years, now in 6th. Can't imagine going below 4th or 5th anymore.
Hodges Herald
That's fantastic to hear! Thanks so much, Elizabeth. 🙂
Hi Catherine,
I started in middle school, swore sixth grade was the best, moved to fifth grade, swore it was the best, then landed in first grade, which I now think is the best.
Do you know the 1970's song, "Love the One You're With"? I think that if you love teaching, you'll "Love the Grade You're In." OK, now that song is totally stuck in my head! Good luck this year!
Catherine N.
Love that perspective, Catherine. You are SO right. It will definitely be culture shock at first, but I am super excited. It is going to be a fantastic year! 🙂
Congratulations!!! That is awesome!
Thanks so much, Kelly. My heart is SO happy. 🙂
I am so excited for you! You have worked so hard and all that hard work is paying off. It is exciting that you will be teaching 5th grade. It is very different from what you had done. I wish you good luck with your new classroom and your new adventures. I can't wait to read all about them.
A Basket Full of Apples
Thank you so much, Katie! I am absolutely in love with teaching, and cannot wait to take on the new challenge of 5th graders. 🙂 I appreciate your encouragement!
Yay, yay, yay for you!! My first teaching position was in 5th grade. They can be really sweet. I'm 5 foot, so they towered over me. I asked to switch to another grade level at the end if the year. I couldn't stand the constant drama. My heart has always been with the little ones. You'll do great! I can't wait to read about all of your new adventures. I'm excited for you. There's nothing like your first year of teaching.
The 2nd Grade Surprise
Congratulations! I'm really excited for you. I would be scared out of my pants for sure! I am certified 1-8 and it freaks.me.out that I could be moved to 8th! I would cry for weeks. But I'm sooooooooooooo happy for you to have your first "official" teaching job! I can't wait to hear about all your adventures!
You will looooove intermediate! You will be amazed at how independent they are! I know you won't need it, but good luck! I can't wait to see how you enjoy yourself next year!
Head Over Heels For Teaching
Congrats!! I love teaching 5th. There are tough days, for sure, but the great days outnumber them. Have you seen the blogs by grade listing on my page? You can check out other 5th grade bloggers for ideas and add your link!
Caffeine and Lesson Plans
Congrats on your contract! How exciting!
I just launched my blog today. I would love it if you would stop by and let me know what you think. Thanks!
Teaching with Giggles
Congrats! I started in 5th grade 13 years ago. It was whole different world. Standards had just come out and I didn't have a reading series. Plus I was on an intern credential, which means I was going though me teacher Ed program at the same time. You're way ahead of the game, especially with the common core!
Ohhh Catherine!! How exciting! I saw your genre subway art posters the other day and wondered how you were going to use those with 1st graders!! Now I understand 🙂 5th grade will be exciting for you and I know your students are going to be very lucky to have you as their teacher!! Best of luck to you and happy planning!
That's So Second Grade!
Congrats to you!!! I'm sure it's an amazing feeling — I'm waiting for an interview now and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm sure you're going to make a fabulous fifth grade teacher 🙂
The Absolutely True Blog of an Almost Teacher
Congrats…I'm also going to be a first year teacher, teaching 6th grade. I look forward to following your blog and noticing the similarities in our experiences. I think you'll do great with the 5th graders. From all your creative ideas so far, I'm sure it'll be awesome.
You can check out my blog too at teacherinthecity.com
CONGRATS! Your blog is U-H-MAZING! I actually am going to be teaching 5th grade this year for the first time, too. I'd love to collaborate with you throughout the year.
PS – I am now your newest follower 🙂 come stop by if you get a chance!
The Sweetest Thing
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PSS – I came from student teaching and long term subbing in the primary grades, too! Excited about the jump though 🙂
Congrats on the job! I also am a first-year teacher. I will be teaching fourth and fifth grade at an international school this year. I can't wait to hear more about how your first year goes. I'm your newest follower!
Learning and Teaching for Life
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