About three-fourths of the way through boot camp, I awarded each student with their own dog tag. I picked up 2 sets of dog tags from Party City the night before and they were the perfect memento from our day.
On the back of each dog tag I wrote a different number better 0 and 99, as well as, each student’s last name. I had the cadets organize themselves from least to greatest (Whoa! This was a tough skill we definitely still need to practice). Then, we played the “Drop and give me 10 game” (Don’t you love that 6-year olds think everything is a game??). I could call out a number “If you have a 5/6/7 in the ones/tens place, drop and give me 10.” This was great practice in identifying the digits in different numbers. Plus, it was easy to check as students were standing in numerical order.
Well friends, it was one of those most-perfect 1st grade days. It was full of magic and laughter and great place-value practice. After our Boot Camp, it was time to go to the Mess Hall for lunch. When I picked my friends back up in the cafeteria, they were SO excited to tell me all about Sgt. W. 😉 Oh to be six…
After our snow days, we’ll continue practicing place value and pull out some of the ideas I used 2 years ago with my student teaching class. When I finally have my kids back, I’ll share pictures of our place value work!
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AWESOME!! I'll put this in my brain for use next year. I'll be teaching a T-1 class and I know it's a tricky skill for firsties. This will make things memorable!! Thanks for sharing.
Keep Calm and Love First Grade
We do that chant every morning during calendar. I love Teacher Tipster. So fun!
The teacher tipster links no longer work. I wonder what the place value chant is!?