Dr. Jean was also fabulous. I learned some great ‘tricks’ for management and transitions. Dr. Jean is always full of songs and rhymes which our Primary Friends absolutely love. Plus, I learned how to make mini-books by only folding and tearing…no staples needs. It was mind-blowing!
I also had a chance to sit-in on Kim Adsit’s reading-centers session. The session was geared more toward kinder friends, but the laughter alone was worth going to the session. Kim is hilarious. I’ve never laughed that much at a PD session. Sometimes I am accused of having a Southern drawl but friends, I have NOTHING on Kim. It was fabulous!
To cap-off Thursday, I was able to meet one of my cyber-friends (Mrs. Russell) in real life! She presented right after me and was amazing. Not to mention she sat in the front row of my session and was my personal cheerleader. So sweet!
Also, before leaving Orlando, I remembered to snag these trailing brochures for Orlando. Anytime you travel make sure to snag them. These brochures make perfect writing centers later in the year. Students can write narratives about experiences at these places, descriptive pieces about them, inform/explain about what travelers can do there, or opinion/persuasive letters to convince their parents to take a vacation. The best part? It’s real-world writing and it’s FREE!
Well friends, Orlando was a blast. I loved speaking and can’t wait for Vegas where I’ll be sharing at I Teach 1st, I Teach K, and I Teach DI. If you’re not registered to attend, it’s not too late. 9,000 educators are already on board to learn and we’d love for you to join, too! You can sign up here and receive a 10% discount – woot woot! 🙂 If you’re already registered, make sure to stop-by and say ‘Hi!’ I’d love to make another cyber/real-world connection! 🙂
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Are you willing to share your PowerPoint? Can I purchase it on TPT?
Hi Carol! Thanks so much for your interest. I'll definitely be sharing some of the ideas I shared in Orlando over the course of the next few months. 🙂
I would love to see you PowerPoint too!
Hi Julie! Thanks so much for your interest. I'll definitely be sharing some of the ideas I shared in Orlando over the course of the next few months. 🙂
So happy for you! What a great experience!! I love your travel brochure writing idea, too. I'll definitely be snagging that one! 🙂
Miss Woodward's Class
Where can I find out more about Catherine Kuhs differentiated Math assessments? Google could not help 🙁
Hi Julia! Thanks so much for the question. It was definitely the best session of the week. I've gone back and linked her things in the blog post. Note – she doesn't have a blog or sell on TpT. 🙁
Awesome, thank you!
The brochure idea is a fabulous one – even for middle school! Thanks!
Mrs. Spangler in the Middle
Hoping to catch your Tuesday session at I Teach K! See you in Vegas. Jayne
Smart Kids
YAY! So glad that you'll be there Jayne. Make sure to say hi. 🙂
I, too, would love to see your PowerPoint! 🙂
Hi I loved your post and look forward to hearing the ideas you shared at the conference in future blog posts. I would also love to see the powerpoint! It's the next best thing to being there! -Chris 😉
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences from the conference! Integrating writing, math and science into teaching, along with preparing for free iq test with instant results, not only helps students develop holistically but also brings joy to both teachers and students.
I would like to express my profound gratitude for your generosity and wise advice. I am extremely grateful for the profound influence you have had in my life.