Happy day, friends and welcome to Chapter 7 of our Daily 5 book study – Foundation Lessons. Today we’re talking about the explicit routines and procedures we teach students for each round of the Daily 5.
If you’ve missed any of the chapters before this, no worries! You can catch-up using the links below, and then come back to this post. 🙂
In between each round, students come back to the carpet and we talk about what went well and what we need to fix for the following rotation.
After moving their name to their choice, students then take their Work on Writing folder (where they also store Daily 5 materials) and color their Daily 5 schedule with the choice they made. This makes it easy for me to check-in with students and provides accountability.
At the end of our reading block, students use the Learning Reflection sheet to write about what they learned/practiced that day during Daily 5. Then, they write a positive (plus) and something they want to do differently tomorrow or a goal for tomorrow (delta). Initially, I give students the sentence-starters for these reflections.
- Today I learned/worked on…
- I did a great job of…
- Tomorrow I need to…
As students finish their reflection sheets, they put their heads down and I come by to check their reflection sheet, writing comments as needed. We store our Reading and Math reflection sheets in our math/reading folders. At the end of the week, students staple their work for the week beneath the reflection sheet and take it home for their families to see. When we are doing reflection, our classroom is at Level 0 with Hans Zimmer playing in the background. Our reading and math reflections each take 5 minutes once the routine has been mastered.
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Thanks for this post! I want to give my first grade students more independence this year. What do you start your year off with at the word work station?
HI Laura! For the beginning of the year, we do the most basic Word Work centers – pyramid writing, roll and write, letter it, and stamp it! 🙂
I loved reading your post! Thanks so much for your ideas on how you run daily 5 in your classroom. It is so helpful to see how this works in other classrooms. Do you assign which container the students get (such as the work on writing tubs) or do they just grab whichever one they want to worl on?
Helllo! Thanks so much for your kind words. Most of the time, I let students have complete control over their Word Work choices. I honestly don't care if they want to stamp the words or just letter them…the practice is what matters to me! 🙂 The only time I make requests is when I have a sentence scramble, a super sentence, or a grammar hunt in there. Then, I do ask that students visit it sometime throughout the week, but let them choose when. 🙂
I am learning so much from you! It's one thing to read the book, but it's another to actually see it in action! Thank you!:)
I agree with Inspired Owl! Love to see how it is in action. Question (or this might get addressed in future chapters?) Once they have a choice, is your reading block time still about 90 minutes? I'm curious how it runs from week 9 and on.
Hi Kelli! My reading block runs anywhere from 90 – 120 ish minutes. After we have choice, I typically run 4 rounds (20ish minutes) with a 10 minute mini-lesson in-between each round. The first mini-lesson is phonics, 2nd = writing, 3rd = reading comprehension, and 4th = sharing our writing. Sometimes I only pull 3 reading groups and do individual assessments/conferences during the 4th round. 🙂
Awesome! That answers so much! Thanks you! Just two more quick questions: 1. Do you typically run D5 M-F? 2. For Word Word I've read it might just be a 10 min or so working block for those kids. Do they finish the remaining 10 mins in another area or stay there? You're the best! I appreciate you leading all of us newbies through this! Thanks!
Hi Kelli! Yes, I used D5 M-F. My 1st graders love it, and I want that continuity. Many times Word Work is shorter, so when friends finish they make another choice on the SMART Board. If I start noticing a particular student struggling with a particular phonics pattern, I will suggest he/she make another choice within Word Work, or revisit it later the same day. 🙂
I love your reflection sheet and how you organize everything!
I came across this post while researching Daily 5 this evening – love the SMART Board/Choice Board idea! What a great visual! Right now, my kiddos and I are using a timed Powerpoint and rotating. I'm glad to see the transition from rotating to choice IS doable! P.S. – LOVE that you had a Sarah Beth in your class, even if she spelled her name without the "h" haha! 😉
Sarah Beth
Miss White's Classroom
HELP!!! Week 3. We are at 9 min stamina, and intro word work. I am required to use a basal series so I have group in that, but we rotate to the other stations. NOISE level has been a problem. I guess I just need to bring them back and we practice /model more. They are talking/discussing and mainly on task with the activities in Word work and game center, but it is difficult for my reading groups to focus, and for me to hear them. 🙁 Any suggestions?
Hi Michelle! I think you’re right – it’s time to practice some more! If noise becomes a problem, I will sometimes use the Noise Bubbles website. If it gets REALLY bad, we’ll do a round in silence (other than teacher table) and it really helps. 🙂
Hello! I have purchased your writing bundle and first week of writing unit and believe it is to be used for Writers Workshop. However I notice in the picture you have the organization sheets for all these units in the trays for the launch of your work on writing. I love this idea but I need some more clarification how you get to this stage by week 6. Do you just teach the basics of each unit and then go into detail when the unit is to be taught later in the year? Or is the picture in this blog not accurate and you introduce other forms of writing like letters, postcards, list, etc?
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